October 2020
- Rachel Ida Buff, Professor of History, UW-Milwaukee
- Anna Oltman, Lecturer in Human Rights, Department of Political Science at University College London
- Ingrid Jordt, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UW-Milwaukee
- Almita A. Miranda, Assistant Professor in Geography and Chican@/Latin@ Studies
- Alicia Barceinas Cruz, PhD Student in Environment and Resources, UW-Madison
At this workshop, experts on refugees and statelessness across the globe (Latin America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and the United States) will discuss the causes and effects of rising tides of involuntary migration.
In a series of four presentations led by experts on crises, causes and solutions, we will explore the topic statelessness. Community college educators will be provided information and practical resources for teaching undergraduates about migration and past and impending global transformations.
Sponsored by: UW-Madison’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, European Studies, Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies Program, Institute for Regional and International Studies; Madison College Center for International Education, Office of International Education at Harper College, Community Colleges for International Development, and Illinois Consortium for International Studies.
- Rawlence, Ben. City of Thorns, London: Portobello, 2016.
- Lawrence, Benjamin & Stevens, Jacqueline (Eds.), Citizenship in Question: Evidentiary Birthright
and Statelessness, Durham: Duke University Press, 2017. - Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo (Ed.), Humanitarianism and Mass Migration: Confronting the World
Crisis, Oakland: University of California Press, 2019. - Buff, Rachel (Ed.), Immigrant Rights in the Shadows of Citizenship, New York: New York
University Press, 2008. - Buff, Rachel. Against the Deportation Terror: Organizing for Immigrant Rights in the Twentieth
Century. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2018. - Nguyen, Viet Thanh (Ed.), The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives, New York: Abrams,
2018. - Nguyen, Viet Thanh. The Refugees, New York: Grove Atlantic, 2017.
Middle East
- Pearlman, Wendy. We Crossed A Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria, New York: Harper
Collins, 2017. - Jewish Voice for Peace (Eds.), On Anti-Semitism: Solidarity and the Struggle for Justice, Chicago:
Haymarket, 2017.
- “Our Motherland, Our Country: Gender Discrimination and Statelessness in the Middle East and
North Africa.” Women’s Refugee Commission, June 2013. - “Africa’s Forgotten Stateless Population.” Deutsche Welle.
- Phan, Trang. “When One Door Closes Another One Opens: Community Colleges as Gateways to
Higher Education for Refugee Students.” Community College Journal of Research and Practice,
30 January 2018. - Tuliao, Minerva, et al. “Refugee Students in Community Colleges: How Colleges Can Respond to
an Emerging Demographic Challenge.” Digital Commons @ University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
spring 2017. - Grimes, A.C. “10 Harrowing Tales of Stateless People.” Listverse, 7 August 2015.
- Rürup, Miriam. “Lives in Limbo: Statelessness after Two World Wars.” German Historical
Institute, fall 2011. - Campbell, Madeline. “What are Refugees and Internally-Displaced Persons (video).” The
Choices Program, 25 March 2011. - “Refugee Resettlement in Wisconsin.” WisCONTEXT, 8 January 2020.
- Cushman, Will. “Refugee Resettlements in WI Plunge to Lowest Level in a Decade.” Wisconsin
Muslim Journal, 19 February 2019. - Cushman, Will. “Wisconsin Expects Levels of Refugee Resettlements to Continue Decline in
2020 over Limit Restrictions.” Milwaukee Independent, 11 January 2020.
Latin America, Caribbean, Iberia
- Jacoby, Karl. “How Has the U.S.-Mexico Border Changed Since the Nineteenth Century (video).”
The Choices Program, 23 May 2011.
Middle East
- “Our Motherland, Our Country: Gender Discrimination and Statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa.” Women’s Refugee Commission, June 2013.
- Campbell, Madeline. “Why Did Many Iraqis Become Refugees after the 2003 Invasion (video).”
The Choices Program, 25 March 2011. - Momani, Bessma. “How Has the Syrian Civil War Sparked a Refugee Crisis (video).” The Choices
Program, 2 December 2015.
Southeast Asia
- “Myanmar Rohingya: What You Need to Know about the Crisis.” BBC News, 23 January 2020.
- Caster, Michael. “Eliminating Statelessness in Southeast Asia.” The Diplomat, 24 May 2016.
- “Rohingya Crisis.” Human Rights Watch.
- Beasts of No Nation (2015)
- Refugee (2016)
- A Life on Hold (short documentary, 2012)
- When You Don’t Exist (2013)
- The Good Lie (2014)
- My Children’s Future (short film, 2015)
- Human Flow (2017)
- Seven Videos Guaranteed to Change the Way You See Refugees
- Imagining Emanuel (2011)
- Out of Norway (2014)
- Between Fences (2016)
- Gospel (2016)
- No Man Is An Island (2016)
- The Unafraid (2018)
- 4.1 Miles (2017)
East Asia
Latin America, Caribbean, Iberia
Middle East
- Midnight Traveler (2015)
- Parting (2016)
- Born in Syria (2016)
- People of Nowhere (2015)
- Malak and the Boat (short documentary, 2016)
Russia, East Europe, Central Asia
- Stateless (2014)
- AYKA (2018): a Kazakhstani film about a Kyrgyz woman living and working illegally in Moscow.
- Midnight Traveler (2019): a film about an Afghan family escaping the Taliban. Through
their migration journey, they pass through many REECAS countries like Tajikistan, Serbia,
Bulgaria, and Hungary.
South Asia
- A Journey from Afghanistan (Seeking Refuge) (short documentary, 2012)
Southeast Asia
- First They Killed My Father (2017)
- Then I Came by Boat (short documentary, 2014)
- A Guide to Teaching on Statelessness (from UNHCR)
- Examining Human Rights in a Global Context (from SPICE, Stanford Program on International
and Cross-Cultural Education) - Refugee Stories: Mapping a Crisis
- The Journey of a Refugee: Walking a Day in Someone Else’s Shoes
- Understanding the Global Refugee Crisis
- Immigration History: Refugees/Asylum
- Classroom Resources from Refugee Week
- Lesson Plan for movie “4.1 Miles”
- 4.1 Miles (2017)
- Daphne Iking, TED talk, “The State of Statelessness”
- Humanity House Exhibition, The State of Being, Documenting Statelessness
- Refugee data for Wisconsin
- Refugee Resettlement Trends in WI in 2019 (WI Public Radio)
- Positives/Negatives: Comics/Animations
- Ditmar Gallery to Feature Exhibit on Historic Mexican Immigration Program