
During the academic year, IRIS NRC organizes thematic workshops. These workshops aim to connect scholars, instructors, and practitioners with subject area expertise to a wide audience. IRIS NRC offers these workshops in partnership with members of the campus community, Community Colleges, and Minority Serving Institutions. 

Upcoming Workshops

Community College Master Teacher Institute Workshop: The Discussion Project: Learn to Discuss/Discuss to Learn (October 2021)

2-hour online interactive Community College Master Teacher Institute workshop with Lynn Glueck from The Discussion Project.

The UW-Madison’s Discussion Project is a professional learning series for instructors on how to design and implement high quality classroom discussion.

Participants will learn strategies for building community and structuring discussion so that you students can learn to discuss -learn the skills of discussion- and discuss to learn -learn your course content through engaging in discussion. The skills are transferable to in-person instruction.

Participants will interact in a protocol called Structured Academic Controversy that we’ll use as an exercise for building an inclusive classroom that’s conducive to high quality discussion.