Patrick William Otim

Credentials: Uganda

2013 SKJ Fellow

Patrick William Otim is a doctoral student in African history. He holds an MA in history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012) and another MA in International Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana (2010). Prior to beginning his graduate studies, Patrick worked with the Norwegian Refugee Council in northern Uganda as Communication Manager. His current research interests focus on pre-colonial Intellectuals, especially how they shaped colonial rule in northern Uganda. Specifically, he will explore the Acholi intellectual history from 1850 to 1960, studying, among other things, the Acholi justice system prior to the onset of British colonialism. He will use the Scott Kloeck-Jenson fellowship to travel to Uganda this summer to initiate contacts, as well as locate local primary sources not available in the United States.

Patrick’s post-fellowship travel report can be found here.