Lisa de Sousa Dias

Credentials: Mozambique

2019 SKJ Fellow

Lisa de Sousa Dias is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science. Her primary interests focus on how power, social movements, and violence intersect in sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to commencing study at UW, she worked as a researcher for a National Geographic photojournalist on a project investigating how environmental change is impacting communities around the world. She also interviewed women leaders in Kenya and Tanzania for a project on political leadership in East Africa. Originally from Portugal, Lisa received her B.A. in International Relations from Mount Holyoke College in 2017. With generous support from the SJK fellowship, Lisa will spent this summer in Mozambique and Kenya conducting preliminary dissertation fieldwork on the ways political mobilization impacts the lives of ordinary citizens and the public order.

Read Lisa de Sousa Dias’s fellowship report here.