Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj
Credentials: India
2018 SKJ Fellow
Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Sciences and Education at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Sciences from UW-Madison and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from College of Engineering Guindy (CEG) in Chennai, India. Gerald’s research primarily focuses on teaching Computer Science (CS) to students whose native language is not English. He uses bilingual teaching techniques like code-switching and translanguaging for teaching CS using English and the students’ native language. This summer, Gerald will use his Scott Kloeck-Jenson (SKJ) fellowship to teach computer programming to students in Tamil Nadu (a southern state in India) using both English and Tamil (native language of people in Tamil Nadu). Apart from being a graduate student, Gerald also teaches Computer Science courses as a graduate student instructor at UW-Madison. He received the Graduate Student Instructor Award for his excellence in teaching during Spring 2018.
Read Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj’s here.