Peter Nasuti

Credentials: Georgia

2010 SKJ Fellow

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After finishing college, Peter Nasuti spent two years as an English teacher with the Peace Corps in Uzbekistan. He then received a master’s degree in international relations from Johns Hopkins University, during which time he expanded his academic interests to the broader Central and South Asian region. Following a year in India studying Urdu, Peter began his Ph.D. in political science, and he is currently finishing his third year in the program. Apart from his region of specialty, Peter has focused on the study of political institutions, with a special interest in the question of how the rule of law can emerge in a political system based on corruption and patron-client relations. For this reason, he has begun to examine the Pakistani lawyers’ movement, which sparked major changes in that country’s political system by spearheading the return of democracy and opening up new opportunities for the prosecution of corruption. In order to study what factors made the success of this movement possible, Peter will use his Scott Kloeck-Jenson grant to meet with members of the movement in Pakistan and pave the way for more extensive future research on this topic.

Check out Peter’s post-fellowship report here.