Fauziyatu Moro
Credentials: United Kingdom & Ghana
2023 SKJ Fellow
Fauziyatu Moro (Fauzi) is a PhD student in the African History Program, with a minor in African Cultural Studies. She specializes in 19th and 20th-century West Africa, and her research interests include migration, urbanization, urban popular culture, and gender in Africa. Fauzi received her master’s in History from the University of Ghana where she researched migrant women’s socioeconomic pursuits and survival strategies at the turn of the neoliberal era in Ghana. Her current research sits at the intersection of migration, placemaking, and nation-building. It maps the social lives of Muslim migrants in Ghana’s largest migrant enclave as a way to highlight the role of intraAfrican migrants in transforming the socio-political landscape and cultural efflorescence of the nation’s capital, Accra, in the 20th century. With the support of the Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship, Fauzi will undertake preliminary archival research in the United Kingdom and Ghana, complemented by oral interviews with migrants in Accra.
Read Fauziyatu Moro’s fellowship report here