Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu
Credentials: Malawi
2004 SKJ Fellow
Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu is a doctoral student from Malawi in the School of Nursing. Her pursuit of graduate education has been influenced by a number of factors, which mostly relate to the commitment that she has towards addressing the health care needs of the women of Malawi. For her dissertation, Lucy is specifically looking at women’s experiences of violence when they are employed as domestic workers in Malawi. Insights gained from this work may help to lay the foundation for the development and implementation of health policy that would address the problem of violence against women in Malawi. Upon completion of her degree, Lucy’s plan is to utilize the knowledge and skills attained from her education to continue to identify, through research, the health-related problems affecting women and girls, particularly in the area of violence. In so doing, she hopes to contribute to the building of a society that allows for peace and security in the lives of women.
Read Lucy’s post-fellowship report here.