Dorothy Lsoto

Credentials: Uganda

2021 SKJ Fellow

Dorothy Lsoto is a PhD student in Environment and Resources at the Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies at UW-Madison. She holds a Masters in Environment and Resources with a certificate in Energy Analysis and Policy from UW-Madison. Her current research focuses on integrating air pollution in respiratory disease management in children under 5 years in Kampala, Uganda, where she is originally from. Prior to graduate school, she worked with offgrid rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa introducing them to renewable energy technologies. Dorothy enjoys working with people. Her best moments have been seeing a simple technology like biogas completely change a whole community by replacing their carbon intensive wood stoves to a biogas stove and diesel run chillers to biogas chillers, in the process improving their health through improvement in the air quality of the individual homes and communities. The funding from the Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship will enable Dorothy to spend the summer of 2021 doing fieldwork in Uganda, focusing on building relationships with health providers in both government and private institutions, explore collaboration with the air quality groups working in the space while strengthening the existing ones.

Read Dorothy Lsoto’s fellowship report here