Vijay Limaye

Credentials: India

2012 SKJ Fellow

Vijay Limaye is a joint PhD student in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Department of Population Health Sciences. A Madison native, he completed his B.A. at the University of California, Berkeley in 2007 and then worked as a scientist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s regional office in San Francisco on Clean Water Act programs for Native American tribes. These academic and professional experiences, along with visits to India, inspired him to seek training and a career in environmental public health. Vijay will be working as an intern at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi, India in 2012. Specifically, he will explore the health consequences of ambient air pollution (particulate matter and ozone), a growing problem in many Indian cities. Vijay will use TERI computer models to quantify how increasing energy demand affects local air pollution patterns and how pollutant exposure elevates the risk of premature mortality and other adverse health outcomes. After completing his degree, Vijay plans to work in government to promote public health and sustainable development.

Vijay documented his intern experience in India here.