Tanya Carney
Credentials: Senegal
2020 SKJ Fellow
Tanya Carney is a graduate student in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. She is pursuing a master’s degree in Environment and Resources, with a minor emphasis in African Studies. Prior to her graduate studies Tanya worked for Blumont, an international development agency, and served as a Peace Corps Volunteer focusing on education and food security in Burkina Faso. She holds a degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Minnesota. Her research draws on her experiences in international development and aims to understand the role of technology, specifically climate information systems, in agricultural decision-making processes for smallholder farmers in Senegal. The SKJ Fellowship will allow Tanya to visit Senegal to carry out field research through a collaborative internship with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and Senegal’s National Agency of Civil Aviation and Meteorology.
Read Tanya Carney’s report here.