Juliana Brandão

Credentials: Brazil

2018 SKJ Fellow

Juliana Brandão is a 10-year experienced Brazilian lawyer and a first-year Ph.D. student in the Environment and Resources program at The Nelson Institute. Her primary areas of expertise are in labor and public law in Brazil. She has a master’s in International Commercial Law from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Currently, Juliana is a Project Assistant at the Gibbs Lab (GLUE). Her studies focus on assessing the connections between deforestation and forced labor practices in Brazil’s cattle supply chain. The emphasis is an agreement made between Greenpeace and the four leading Brazilian meat packers, in which the companies promised not to trade in cattle from properties tainted with deforestation and forced labor practices. Using the SKJ fellowship, she will travel to Brazil to better understand the impact of the partnership between international NGOs and corporations toward the Brazilian society.

You can read Juliana Brandão’s fellowship report here.