Irene Ann Resenly
Credentials: Germany
2014 SKJ Fellow

Irene Ann Resenly is a fourth-year doctoral student in Curriculum and Instruction – Social Studies Education. Prior to coming to Madison, she earned a bachelor’s degree in German Language and Literature, a certificate in Modern Foreign Language (German) Secondary Education, and a master’s degree in Holocaust Education. She worked as the staff coordinator for Elie Wiesel, a museum educator at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, and a humanities teacher in Radom, Poland. Currently at the university, she is proud to supervise teacher candidates, train teacher educators in the School of Education, and design and teach a Holocaust course in the College of Letters and Sciences. Her research interests include memory studies, Holocaust education, and teacher education. She has conducted research exploring how the learning process of critical inquiry unfolds in a university Holocaust course, how Yad Vashem enacts Holocaust memory through its “I Remember” Wall, and how a third-grade encounter with the Holocaust impacted a student long-term. Her dissertation will take her to Germany, where she will study how classroom teachers and memorial site educators can collaboratively work to construct meaningful Holocaust curriculum designed for teaching with and about historic sites of memory. She will explore what this process of collaboration looks like and how it shapes student learning.