Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
The Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies is an organization of universities, colleges, and individuals dedicated to promoting an informed understanding of peace, justice, and conflict and to encouraging students, teachers, academics, and the public to become engaged global citizens working toward a just peace.
UW-Madison's Languages Initiative
The UW-Madison’s Languages initiative is a grass-roots project that aims to raise awareness of the linguistic diversity of our campus and local communities; recognize and communicate the value of multilingualism for individuals, communities, and societies; promote understanding of language as a key aspect of diversity; recognize and address linguistic prejudice and discrimination; and promote a more inclusive campus climate in which language is recognized as a key aspect of identity that contributes to the diversity of our campus community
International Visiting Artists Program
The International Visiting Artist Program (IVAP) is a collaboration between the Division of the Arts (DotA) and the International Division, which funds the program. This partnership, launched in the fall of 2019, supports short-term residences for international artists on campus.
Global Research Symposium- Citizenship, Human Rights and Social Justice Education: Facilitating Positive Change Through Theory and Action

- Ke Lin, Beijing Normal University (BNU)
Can Virtual Reality Foster Global Citizenship Education? A case study on a programme of VR+GCED in a Chinese high school - Julie McLeod, University of Melbourne
Curriculum, internationalism and global youth citizenship – historical perspectives on contemporary aspirations - Suzanne Choo, Nanyang Technological University Enactments of Ethical Criticism for the Development of Cosmopolitan Dispositions: Insights from Singapore Schools
- Kathy Bickmore, OISE, University of Toronto
Violence is Resourcelessness: Public School Resources for Building Just, Democratic Peace - Hiromi Kawaguchi, Hiroshima University
Listening to others, and listening to myself: A case study from Japan - Ana Paula Duboc, University of Sao Paulo
The politics of abandonment and the threatening of education as a right - Hugh Starkey, UCL Institute of Education
Children’s rights education in theory and practice - David Reimer, Aarhus University
Social justice and access to higher education in Denmark: Inherent conflicts and current issues - Lesley Bartlett, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Graduate Student Poster Presentations on Citizenship Education, Human Rights Education, and Social Justice Education