À la mémoire de Nawal El Saadawi English translation
This is the English translation of the Op-Ed on Nawal Al Saadawi written by Nevine el Nossery.
This is the English translation of the Op-Ed on Nawal Al Saadawi written by Nevine el Nossery.
Read Scott Kloeck Jenson Fellow, Alex Paradowski's report below.
File: Alex-ParadiowskiSKJ-Fellowship-Report.pdf
This report was
File: SKJ_KumarA_2023.pdfThe Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship is awarded to doctoral students interested in practitioner internships.
The Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship is awarded to doctoral students interested in practitioner internships.
File: 2021-report-lsoto.pdfThe Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship is awarded to doctoral students interested in practitioner internships.
File: Francisco-Hernandez-Moleres-SKJ-report-2023.pdf.
Download this spreadsheet to view all eligible titles for the Spring 2024 Global Libraries Grant competition.
As part of your application for the 2024 Global Libraries Grant, please download the book list. Then, Enter your full name in cell A1, and enter a number in column A next to every book you would like to request. You may request 30 unique titles, or 30 copies of the same title (or 15 copies of Title A and 15 copies of Title B, etc.)
Introduction written for a special 2021 issue of Hobbes Studies, a professional, peer-reviewed journal, on Hobbes's political economy. By Katherine Robiadek.
File: Robiadek_2021-Research-Symposium-Introduction-Hobbes-Studies.pdfThe Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship is awarded to doctoral students interested in practitioner internships.
File: JoonWoo-LeeReport.pdfPlease download this application in order to apply for the Fellowship. Application deadline is March 20, 2024.
File: 2024-Reporting-Fellow-Application-Pulitzer-Center_Updated-2-13-24.docxPlease download this application in order to apply for the Fellowship. Application deadline is Friday, March 21, 2025 at 11:59pm.
File: 2025-Reporting-Fellow-Application-Pulitzer-Center-IRIS-NRC.docx