Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship for Grad Students – Applications Due 2/20/23

The Scott Kloeck-Jenson (SKJ) Fellowship from IRIS NRC is now accepting applications from graduate students for Summer 2023 awards.

We have two annual awards:

  • International Internship Fellowships to support graduate students interested in undertaking practitioner internships abroad
  • Pre-Dissertation Travel Fellowships to support overseas travel to potential field research sites for doctoral students planning to conduct preliminary dissertation field research

The program is open to graduate students of any nationality enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, planning to spend 8-10 weeks in the field, and whose work includes a social justice component (see webpage for additional information). Award amounts can vary year-to-year and depending on time spent abroad and destination. The average award has been $4,500 over the last three years.

Students enrolled in terminal master’s degree programs are not eligible for either SKJ award.

The deadline to submit completed applications is Monday, February 20, 2023 by 10am.

Complete details on the application requirements are available online at:

Questions about the SKJ Fellowship should be directed to